File Save Errors
You receive an error similar to the following when trying to save measurements (ie when using the File, Save (As) menu item):
Caused by Multilingual Settings
The most common cause of this error is running Windows with a multilingual pack installed, or with certain multilingual settings. The problem is easily fixed either by changing the multilingual settings under Windows or by downloading a version of MeasureJ2X that provides a workaround to the problem. These solutions will be needed until multilingual support is added to MeasureJ2X (hopefully soon!).
Symptom of Multilingual Settings Problem
The problem is caused when a language that has a 'comma' as a separator for numbers is used as the language for 'non-Unicode' programs (MeasureJ2X is considered a non-Unicode program by the Windows operating system). This setting is used to show menus in the language of choice. The symptom that the multilingual settings are causing the error in saving files is that a comma (‚) shows up as a separator in the measuring window:
Download Updated MeasureJ2X
There is a version of MeasureJ2X with a temporary fix for the problem. It will ignore the language setting and force menus to display in English in MeasureJ2X and force a decimal point (.) as the number separator which eliminates the cause of the problem.
The fix is available to subscribers and requires using your user name and password for downloading and your registration key to register once installed:
MeasureJ2X Foreign Language Fix
Change the Windows Language Settings
The problem can also be fixed by changing the 'Regional Language Settings' in Windows. This will change the settings for other programs running on your computer so be a less desirable solution.
- Windows XP - Use Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Advanced Tab. Under 'Select a language for non-Unicode programs....', select English(United States), or any language that uses a '.' for the decimal format by default.
- Windows 7 - Use Control Panel, Clock, Language, and Region, Region and Language, Administrative, Change system locale, English
Confirming the fix
After applying one of the above fixes, the measuring window should display numbers using a decimal points (.) as a separator successfully save files without reporting errors:
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