From MeasureJ2X
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The MeasureJ2X program reads and writes data in the format that is known as the 'decadal' or 'Tucson' format as documented in Appendix A. of the User Guide.

This is a format read by many analysis programs that are frequently used to analyze the measured data.

Excel format

One of the most common things that users want to do with the data is to view and analyze it using Excel.

To convert a file created by MeasureJ2X in the 'decadal' or 'Tucson' format to Excel, the 'YUX' program from the Dendrochronology Program Library (DPL) can be used. The DPL is available for download from the Software page of the University of Arizona's Tree Ring Lab's website).

A 'decadal' file written by MeasureJ2X that looks like this:

test    2003  5100  4700  4300  2090  1650  1210   770                            
test    2010   330 -9999      
test2   2003  2500  2300  2100   990   770   550   330                            
test2   2010   110 -9999 
test3   2003  2600  2400  2200  1100   880   660   440                            
test3   2010   220 -9999

will look like this after processing with the YUX program:

Year	test	test2	test3
2003	5.1	2.5	2.6
2004	4.7	2.3	2.4
2005	4.3	2.1	2.2
2006	2.09	0.99	1.1
2007	1.65	0.77	0.88
2008	1.21	0.55	0.66
2009	0.77	0.33	0.44
2010	0.33	0.11	0.22